Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Proven Trade Show Ideas To Help Any Business Command Convention Attention

It's no surprise that marketing conventions are an uber-popular promotional endeavor for businesses in every operational arena. Today's industry events offer endless prospects to announce, entice, engage and, ultimately, close. However, despite such an extensive potential return on investment, sometimes getting noticed at marketing conventions can prove an elusive exercise. Occasionally, no matter how eye-catching your custom displays, or how visually informative your popup displays and exhibits, sometimes it's simply hard to stand out in the competitive crowd and grab the roaming eye of the consumers that are wandering through the venue.

Simple Trade Show Ideas Can Help Your Business Stand Out In The Crowd

Fortunately, while getting your custom displays noticed is tough, it doesn't have to be an impossible feat. Companies looking to stand head and shoulders above the other exhibitors can employ some viable strategies and tactics beyond their booths and popup displays that can quickly transform their exhibit from a wallflower to a noticeable presence. If you're looking for some great ideas to help get your company noticed, read on. Even incorporating a few of the following tips can help you outwit the promotional efforts of the opposition and showcase your business as the industry innovator that it is!

Creative And Effective Trade Show Ideas That Will Get Your Team Noticed

When looking for trade show ideas that give you an attention-grabbing edge over the competition, consider trying some (or all!) of the following:

Want to break up the monotony of booth after booth after booth? Give your prospective customers an entertainment break to draw them into your custom displays. Magicians, musicians, jugglers and even caricature artists are all great trade show ideas designed to help shine a spotlight on your organization. Other fun options can include karaoke contests, comedians, etc.

Give the masses some free services to encourage visitors. Massages, mani/pedi's and even tarot card readings are an excellent way to add a little excitement to the convention and have the attendees lining up outside of your custom displays. Another great service to offer? Free shoe shines to guests looking to take a break and rejuvenate for a few moments. No matter what services you provide, rest assured that your guests will get to relax and you'll have a captive audience to pitch to!

Have an industry celebrity of sorts on staff? Host a seminar or discussion onsite at your custom displays with that person as the guest speaker. Everyone loves an opportunity to learn something new and hosting the assembly will further enhance your reputation as an "in the know" vendor.

Giveaways and handouts, when strategized appropriately and wielded wisely, can play a major role in getting some convention attention. Remember, think outside the box and try to think of an item that will be functional as well as desirable/trendy. What's the hottest technology gadget that everyone is clamoring for? Is there an industry relevant item that would create a stir? Or, do you have free samples and wares from your own merchandise line that you could use to generate some buzz? Get creative, get the word out on what visitors will receive and watch as you become the booth to be at during the function!

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